Tell me if this sounds familiar.You sign up for software to write programs for athletes or clients, and you begin building a prog
Tell me if this sounds familiar.You sign up for software to write programs for athletes or clients, and you begin building a program and your first thought is "damn this takes FOREVER."And worse - you can't even use the variables you want to use in the program.And then you come to find out they use a CALENDAR VIEW to write programs for people! Heaven forbid someone miss a workout, then you gotta go to a calendar and drag a workout etc etc etcWell, we built SCP to solve those things.First, we give you infinite flexibility. You can create multi day, multi week workouts, all on one screen (just like excel - except digital).
Second, you can create EXTREMELY specific programs if you want to. First, we have all the tools on the side that you drag and drop to build a program. Then within each block you can select specific variables, such as what blocks show on what week.For example, on our training blocks you can use advanced options to write detailed programs:
So you can do more detailed work such as rep ranges, % ranges, RPE, tempo and more.And within our other blocks you can even select which weeks they show:
Combining these "weeks to show" options with training blocks, notes and survey - all in a truly program oriented format - you can make whatever program you want, no limitations.Pretty cool right?Thanks and talk soon!Steve