High School Progress Portal is now LIVE!

We know its been a long time coming, but we are excited to finally announce its release.The Strength Coach Pro Progress Portal la

 min. read
June 26, 2024
software for strength coaches

We know its been a long time coming, but we are excited to finally announce its release.

The Strength Coach Pro Progress Portal launches today!

>>> Get Info <<<

First, a quick reminder of what it is.

We made a decision two years ago to flip the script on the market of software for high schools.  Everyone else is racing to the top of the pricing structure, with more companies entering and every single company trying to charge more and more for access.

I fully understand most schools cant afford it - and further want a level of flexibility in their programming that most software doesn't offer (by our last count, nearly 50% of high school coaches with software subscriptions STILL use excel for programming).

So we decided - lets offer absurdly user friendly and flexible software for FREE.

And beyond that, lets help coaches use it to raise funds, 365 days a year.

So, here we are.

The progress portal was born.

What is it?

Heres the deal, in just a few sentences.

The progress portal gives you, the high school strength coach, 100% free access to our platform - no costs, charge or upsells, no tricks or gimmicks.

Your athletes get it free.  Your assistant coaches get it free, your entire school district - whatever.

When you are up and running with it, your athletes parents can sign up for the progress portal, a new platform we developed to help parents keep up with how their kids are doing in the weight room - tests, programs, trophies, media, chat with the coach, and even a blog we update with parent focused content.

They pay $6.99 a month for access to this, and we will give you 60% of this money back to your school.

Or, we will use the money you generate to buy you equipment directly.  Whatever you want, its your money, use it how you want or need to.

So whats the catch?

Alright, heres the big reveal.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

No catch..

No minimums, no expectations, no requirements.  Free access, if you want to get parents on board and raise money, awesome. If not, no biggie.

We have spent years building an insane feature list for Strength Coach Pro - some of our competitors have 1/2 the features we have and charge $2000+ a year for access.

Ours is free.

No tricks, gimmicks - nothing.  Sign up, use it, and add parents if you want to generate some revenue (which I mean - it takes almost zero extra work to set it up, and it will raise you some cash. Easier than shirt sales!).

So if you are a high school strength coach, and want to get started with your own SCP Account - click here to sign up.  We will reach out, send you sign up link, answer any questions you have, and help you get going.

Our mission has always been to give strength and conditioning coaches the tool they need to do their job effectively, at a price they can afford.  Unlimited flexibility at zero cost - can't beat that.

See ya around!

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