Fully Digital Athletic Testing & Reporting - how does it work?

A quick overview of our testing protocols, and how they relate back to metrics in your ahtletes programs.

 min. read
September 27, 2022
software for strength coaches

Coaches,We were extremely excited to announce our fully digital reporting suite last week, but I wanted to send a quick email to explain in better detail how it works.Most coaches are used to running a testing protocol with a good old fashioned printed sheet of paper, writing down everyones results and entering them into an excel spreadsheet.I get it, I did it for years and it worked great. But, there is a better way, and we have spent years working on that solution.

First, I want to tell you about WHY we do testing the way we do.Many software companies automatically assume every single day you do an exercise should be recorded as a tested result of DOING that exercise. For example, if you did 135x10 on back squat, you should have that workout recorded as a new record, with some even calculating a new estimated 1RM - regardless of the training intent.To me, as a coach, that doesn't make sense.  

Not every day is an indication of progress, nor is every training block intended to work at such an intensity to display the results of training.  Some training blocks are for...training.So we separate testing and training into two different protocols.Here you can see in the program builder that we used a training block, and a metric block which is used to record a new max:

And what the athlete sees on their program:

These metric blocks form the basis of how we do our reporting.  We want our reports to be based on actual desired TEST results, not a combination of testing and just everyday training results, that result would have so much noise in it as a result of normal training that it wouldn't provide useful data.

When an athlete fills in this metric block, it gets recorded to their profile with the rest of their test results, and is saved with the date.

Now, with our new reporting suite, you can get a BETTER view of this data, from an individual perspective AND based on team results.

In addition, you can even view the data from a team perspective - pulling up team averages and more:

So that is how we take metrics from a training program to test results!

1. Add a metric block to your training program in the spot that you want it (and the week you want to show it).
2. Athlete records testing result during their workout from an iPad or their phone
3. Data stored into athletes profile (which can be edited later if need be)
4. Data can be pulled up and filtered in the team reporting suite.

Cool, eh?

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